Saturday, 27 July 2013

5. Gaya Island Resort Malaysia. It is small island of Malaysia with an Area of about 15 square kilometers. It is the one of the world most beautiful places . It is in fact a tropical coral reef island with absolute beauty. The land and and hills are lush green and the crystal clear water of tropics. There are two Five Star resorts over there and all the year these remain flooded with tourists,...

Friday, 26 July 2013

 Brotherhood. Non of you truly believes in me until he wishes for his brother what he wishes for him self. ...
We should make our personalities like The Prophet Muhammad SAW so that the non Muslims also get motivated and realize the reality of Islam like Mr Gandhi who is saying that why I was not a Sword that won a territory for Islam and he was eager to study more about Him SAW although he read two volumes of his biography. ...
Your work is going to fill a large part of your life and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe in Great work. And the only way to do great work is to the what you do. If you have not found it yet, keep looking, and do not settle until you find i...
Take the Decision carefully and Stand by it. Think!!!!!!!!!! ...
Are You Gonna Maintain your schedule if today were your last Day??   THINK!!!!!!!!!!! ...

Tuesday, 16 July 2013

Now days aging and the weight loss are two main problem common in 90% people of the world. And these two problems are common in almost all regions of the world . Here are some simple foods to be used as Anti-aging materials.  Avocado. Ginger. Cabbage and other leafy Vegetables. Rice and Pasta. Soya Beans and their oil. Garlic. Almonds and other Nuts. Berries. Water. (14 to 16 glass daily). Water...

Saturday, 6 July 2013

These are the Water Melons of Japan. There shapes are square and the shapes of different cartoons etc. These shapes are achieved by placing the Melons in their respective molds like baskets when they are in the early stages and when these melons grow up they acquire the shape of that mold in which it is placed. By producing the square melons is has been made easy to store them in the refrigerators...
Chichen-Itza is one of the some largest archeological sites of the world where it was a historic religion. it is a very beautiful city of Mexico and a great number of tourists come here daily. There is a natural pool here. This pool is built naturally but what a beautiful pool this is with a fountain coming from the top. In fact it is deep trench in the ground. And people come here daily...

Tuesday, 2 July 2013

This one of the most beautiful islands of the Greece. It is small, little island with a population of 2,030 and an area of about 42 square miles. Its is a very beautiful island on which there is also a city known as Chora which is build on a beautiful Hill. There is also a church in this village which is a class of Architecture. The important thing about this island is that the some of the...

Monday, 1 July 2013

The Islands of the Greece are some of the most beautiful places in the world and is the paradise of tourists. There are about 1000 to 6000 small and large but the most extraordinary islands in the surroundings of the Greece out of which some 150 to 220 islands are inhibited by the people of the Greece. The Largest of these islands is the Island of Crete with an area of about 3200 square miles....